Starwarslegion Wiki

This page is for all tokens, regardless of use.

Gameplay Tokens[]

Gameplay tokens (not a defined category of tokens) are define the Battlefield during the Setup. The order tokens help track which units had an order issued to them during the Command Phase, and which units have already activated during the current round.

Token Name Image Usage Available Through
Condition Condition Has game effects specified by Condition Cards. Legion Core Set
ID ID Used to help both players distinguish multiple units of the same name. Legion Core Set
Objective Objective Many Objective Cards instruct players to place objective tokens on the battlefield. Players can claim objective tokens to earn victory points. Legion Core Set
Order (Commander) Order Each unit has an order token that matches both its faction and its rank. Players use these order tokens to activate their units.

Used to activate a Unit with the Commander rank.

Legion Core Set & Commander Expansion Packs
Order (Operative) Operative icon old2 Used to activate a Unit with the Operative rank. Operative Expansion Packs
Order (Corps) Corps icon Used to activate a Unit with the Corps rank. Legion Core Set & Corps Expansion Packs
Order (Special Forces) Special forces icon Used to activate a Unit with the Special Forces rank. Special Forces Expansion Packs
Order (Support) Support icon Used to activate a Unit with the Support rank. Legion Core Set & Support Expansion Packs
Order (Heavy) Heavy icon Used to activate a Unit with the Heavy rank. Heavy Expansion Packs
Victory Victory Players gain victory tokens during a game as described by the Objective Cards selected during setup. At the end of a game, the player who has the most victory tokens wins. Legion Core Set

Expendable Effect Tokens[]

These are collectively referred to as "Green Tokens". They are assigned to a defined unit, and give a defined benefit when a unit spends them. As a general rule, they are removed from the board during the End Phase of each round (while sometimes effects will allow a unit to keep a token, those are the exception to the rule).

Token Name Image Usage Available Through
Aim Aim Gained via the Aim Action; allows units to reroll dice during an attack. Legion Core Set & Unit Expansions
Dodge Dodge Gained via the Dodge Action; allows units to cancel hit results during an attack. Legion Core Set & Unit Expansions
Standby Standby Gained via the Standby Action; After an enemy unit attacks, moves, or performs an action, if that unit is at range 1–2 and in line of sight of a unit with a standby token, that unit may spend that standby token to perform a free attack action or a free move action. Legion Core Set & Trooper and Ground Vehicle Expansions
Legion token observation
Placed onto an enemy unit via the Observe Card Action or other effects that place Observation Tokens on enemy units. During an attack, the attacking unit can spend any observation tokens that belong to the defending unit. The attacker rerolls one attack die for each observation token spent. Lando Calrissian Commander Expansion, Agent Kallus Commander Expansion, Moff Gideon Commander Expansion (unreleased as of now)
Surge-token-pro-tech 580x


Placed onto a unit via the Bolster Card Action, Reliable X keyword, or various command card effects. May choose to spend during an attack or a defense. If spent during an attack, for each token spent, convert one [Surge] result to a [Hit] result. If spent during a defense, for each token spent, convert one [Surge] result to a [Block] result. Clone Wars Core Set and various expansion (not contained in GCW Core Set)

Charge Tokens[]

Charge tokens are placed one the battlefield by units with the Arm Card Action. Those charge remain in place on the battlefield until they are triggered with the Detonate Card Action.

Token Name Image Usage Available Through
Dioxis Charge Dioxis charge token old Used to apply the effects of Merciless Munitions. Bossk Operative Expansion
Thermal Charge Thermal charge old Used to apply the effects of Explosions!. Sabine Wren Operative Expansion
Proton Charge Proton charge old Used to apply the effects of Proton Charge Saboteur. Rebel Commandos Unit Expansion
Sonic Charge Sonic charge old Used to apply the effects of Sonic Charge Saboteur. Scout Troopers Unit Expansion

Status Tokens[]

These tokens are placed on a unit to indicate some kind of effect or status of a unit. They belong to the unit they are assigned to, and move with that unit. Generally they are placed next to unit leader, except wound tokens, which can be assigned to an individual mini. Sometimes, to reduce clutter on the battlefield and if both players agree, wound tokens may be placed on the unit card instead of the battlefield.

Token Name Image Usage Available Through
Commander Commander Used if a player's last Commander is defeated; to denote another unit which has been promoted to the Commander rank. Legion Core Set
Immobilize Immobilize A unit’s maximum speed is reduced by 1 for each immobilize token it has. A unit whose maximum speed is 0 and has at least one immobilize token cannot climb, clamber, reverse, or pivot. At the end of a unit’s activation, it removes any immobilize tokens that it has. Emperor Palpatine Commander Expansion, Boba Fett Operative Expansion, Sabine Wren Operative Expansion, Grand Master Yoda, Cade Bane Operative Expansion
Ion Ion At the start of a unit’s activation, if that unit has one or more ion tokens, it loses one action for each ion token. At the end of a unit’s activation, it removes any ion tokens that it has. Legion Core Set, Rebel Troopers Unit Expansion, Rebel Specialists Personnel Expansion, X-34 Landspeeder Unit Expansion, Snowtroopers Unit Expansion, Imperial Specialists Personnel Expansion
Panic Panic If a unit receives too much suppression, it can become panicked and attempt to flee the battlefield. Legion Core Set & Unit Expansions
Poison Dioxis charge old At the end of a unit’s activation, it suffers 1 wound for each poison token it has, then discards each poison token it has. Bossk Operative Expansion, Cad Bane Operative Expansion, BX Commando Droids
Shield Shield old Used to apply the effects of Personal Combat Shield, Commando Droids deflector upgrades, or shields for vehicles Sabine Wren Operative Expansion, Clone Wars Core Set, Droidekas, BX Commando Droids, AA5 Speeder Truck
Suppression Suppression Units can gain suppression tokens in various ways. Units with suppression tokens improve their cover but can suffer penalties when they are activated. Legion Core Set & Unit Expansions
Damaged (Vehicle) Damaged When a player activates a damaged unit, they roll a white defense die. If the result is a blank, that vehicle performs one fewer action during its activation. Legion Core Set & Support and Heavy Unit Expansions
Disabled (Vehicle) Disabled A unit that is disabled cannot reverse and must spend two actions to perform a standard move. Legion Core Set & Support and Heavy Unit Expansions
Weapon Disrupted (Vehicle) Weapon destroyed The player’s opponent chooses one of that unit’s weapons and a weapon disrupted token is placed on the corresponding card. When adding that weapon to an attack pool, only half its dice can be added (of any color, rounding up). Legion Core Set & Support and Heavy Unit Expansions
Wheel Mode
Wound Wound Used to denote damage suffered for any unit with a wound threshold or resilience of more than 1. This token indicates 1 wound. Legion Core Set & Unit Expansions
3 Wound 3wound Used to denote damage suffered for any unit with a wound threshold or resilience greater than 3. This token indicates 3 wounds. Legion Core Set & Unit Expansions containing units with a wound/resistance value of more than 3

Specialty Tokens[]

Specialty tokens are used to apply unique effects that come from a specific card or character.

Token Name Image Usage Available Through
Cad Bane Tokens
Tokens cadbane
Cad Bane has 3 unique tokens that he uses through his command card I make The Rules Now. See Bane Tokens for more information

The tokens are initially placed facedown (with the blaster pistol side visible. If an enemy unit comes within Range 1 and Line of Site of the token, it is revealed (flipped over).

The blank (empty black side) is for "Smoke and Mirrors" (no effect).

The explosion is for "Kablamo!", which detonates as outlined on the command card.

The Bane is for "Here I Am", which plays Cad Bane where to the token's location and Cad Bane gets to issue himself an order.

Cade Bane Operative Expansion
Graffiti Graffiti old Used to apply the effects of Symbol of Rebellion. Sabine Wren Operative Expansion
Legion token smoke
Can be placed on the battle by smoke grenades or other effects. Trooper units whose unit leader is at range 1 of a smoke token improve their cover by 1. While a trooper unit is attacking, if the attacking unit leader is at range 1 of a smoke token, the defender improves their cover by 1. Phase II Clone Troopers Unit Expansion, Captain Rex Commander Expansion