Starwarslegion Wiki

The Ubrikkian Mo/Dk energy harpoon was a weapon located at the rear of the T-47 airspeeder used by the Rebel Alliance. During the Battle of Hoth, it was used to great effect to bring down AT-ATs.

Card Text/Abilities[]

T-47 Airspeeder only.

Mo/Dk Power Harpoon

Range: 1-2 | Attack die red1

Impact 1, Tow Cable, Fixed: Rear


  • Impact 1 (While attacking a unit that has Armor, change up to 1 Dice Hitresult to Dice Crit result.)
  • Fixed: Rear (The defender must be inside your rear arc.)
  • Tow Cable (After a vehicle is wounded by an attack that includes this weapon, perform a pivot with that vehicle.)

Available Through[]
