Starwarslegion Wiki
Swl27 fx-9 Tri

Card Text/Abilities[]

Imperial Only.

Add 1 FX-9 medical droid mini.

Free Card Action:[]

Treat 1: Capacity 2 (Place a wound token on this card to remove 1 wound token from or restore 1 mini to a friendly non-emplacement trooper unit at range 1 and in line of sight. Limit 2 tokens.)


Noncombatant (The mini added by that upgrade cannot use any weapons and wounds must be assigned to other non-unit leader minis first.)

[19 pts.]


To restore a mini to a unit, that unit must have had one or more minis defeated that round. Choose a mini that was defeated during the current round and place that mini on the battlefield in cohesion with its unit leader. Then, give that mini a number of wound tokens equal to one less than the wound threshold indicated on its unit card.

(RRG 1.2, p. 53)

Available Through[]
