Starwarslegion Wiki

Unit Keyword[]

A unit with the wheel mode keyword can transform into a swift wheel to traverse the battlefield rapidly.

  • At the start of its activation, a unit with the wheel modekeyword can increase its maximum speed to 3 until the end of that activation. If it does, until the end of the round, it gains cover 2 and cannot attack or flip active shield tokens.
    • A unit can enter wheel mode only at the start of its activation.
    • While in wheel mode a unit cannot flip shield tokens to their inactive side to add block (Dice Block) results while defending.
  • To indicate that a unit of droidekas is using wheel mode, a player may replace their standing droideka miniatures with ball-form droideka minis, or simply mark the unit with a wheel mode token.
    • If the droideka unit intends to move during that activation, an expedient and accurate way to replace the minis is to place the movement tool in the front notch of the standing droideka unit leader mini but use a ball-form droideka mini to complete the move, removing the standing droideka mini after the move.
  • Players should use the ball-form droideka minis onlywhen the unit uses the wheel mode keyword and only for the duration of that round. At the end of the round, any ball-form droideka minis should be replaced with standing droideka minis.

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