Starwarslegion Wiki
Starwarslegion Wiki

There are different ways to customize a unit, such as adding an additional trooper, an alternative weapon, or a force ability. However, each unit is limited in which upgrade type and how many of each upgrade it can equip.

When building an army, a player can field upgrades for his units by paying their squad point cost, which is listed in the lower-right corner of each Upgrade card. The upgrade bar along the left side of a unit card displays icons that represent which upgrades that unit can equip. For each icon shown in the upgrade bar, the unit may equip one Upgrade card with the matching icon. Upgrade cards may be used by units of either faction, as long as the icon appears in the unit's upgrade bar, and no text on the card directly forbids this.

Upgrade Icons[]

Each type of named upgrade uses the corresponding icon listed below:

Upgrade Category Icon
Armament Armament icon
Command Command icon2
Comms Comms icon2
Crew Crew icon
Force Force icon2
Gear Gear icon2
Generator Generator icon
Grenades Grenades icon2
Hardpoint Hardpoint icon2
Heavy Weapon Heavy weapon icon2
Ordnance Ordnance icon
Personnel Personnel icon2
Pilot Pilot icon2
Protocol Protocol icon
Training Training icon


All items (253)
