Starwarslegion Wiki


The transport x: open/closed and light transport x: open/closed keyword allows a vehicle to transport friendly trooper units. Eligible units can perform an embark move to be transported by a vehicle with the transport x keyword. For rules on how units embark and disembark, see "Embark and Disembark". And for rules on being transported, see "Transported".

  • A vehicle with the transport x keyword can transport a number of eligible units up to the value x.
  • A vehicle with the light transport x keyword can transport trooper units that consist of a single mini,

such as commanders and operatives. Eligible trooper units must consist of exactly 1 mini, and that mini must be on a small round base. A unit with light transport x keyword can transport a number of eligible units up to the value x.

  • During setup, if a player has deployed a vehicle with the transport x or light transport x keyword , they may choose, as one of their alternating deployments, to deploy an eligible unit such that it is being transported by that vehicle.
  • After a vehicle with the transport x: open or light transport x: open keyword defends against an attack, if it suffered 1 or more wounds, each unit that it is transporting suffers 1 wound. The transport x: closed or light transport x: closed keyword does not have this effect.
  • If a vehicle with the transport x: open or light transport x: open keyword is defeated during an attack, each unit it is transporting suffers 1 wound in addition to gaining 1 suppression token and suffering 1 wound due to the vehicle being defeated.

Related Topics:[]

Embark and Disembark, Transported, Wounds

All items (3)
