The speeder x keyword indicates that a vehicle is constantly in motion, as represented by compulsory moves, while also indicating the height of terrain the vehicle can freely move over.
- When a unit that has the speeder x keyword activates, it must perform a compulsory move.
- A compulsory move is a move, not a move action, and therefore does not trigger abilities that occur after move actions are performed and does not count against the unit’s two actions per activation.
- To perform a compulsory move, the unit performs a full move at its maximum speed. If it cannot do so, or if a full move would cause any part of the unit leader’s base to be outside the battlefield, it can perform a partial move instead, ending its movement as far along the movement template as possible. If the unit performs a partial movement in this way, the unit suffers a number of wounds equal to its maximum speed.
- If the unit leader ends this movement with any part of its base outside of the battlefield, the unit
is defeated.
- If the unit leader ends this movement with any part of its base outside of the battlefield, the unit
- A repulsor vehicle’s final position after performing a move cannot overlap another unit unless it is performing a compulsory move. If it is performing a compulsory move, its final position can overlap trooper minis. If its final position after performing a compulsory move would overlap one or more trooper minis, those trooper minis are displaced.
- Troopers that are engaged cannot be displaced by a compulsory move. If a repulsor vehicle's final position after performing a compulsory move would overlap an engaged trooper, it must perform a partial move instead.
- During a move, a unit that has the speeder x keyword can move over terrain equal to or less than height x.
- A unit that has the speeder x keyword may end its movement on a piece of terrain that has a height equal to or less than x.
- A unit that has the speeder x keyword must still be placed as flat as possible on the battlefield after performing any type of move. Not all terrain that a unit could end their move on top of is perfectly flat and players should agree before playing as to what terrain units cannot end their movement on; however, as a general rule, if overlapping a piece of terrain causes a mini to be unstable or fall over, or causes the mini’s base to be at an angle greater than 45 degrees, that mini cannot end a move in that position.
- If a unit performing a compulsory move cannot complete a full move without overlapping a piece of terrain that is not flat enough to be placed on top of, it must perform a partial move instead, and suffer damage equal to its maximum speed.
- The final position of a unit after any move cannot overlap objective or condition tokens.
- When a unit performs a compulsory move, the bases of the minis in the unit can partially overhang ledges, as long as each mini is stable and is not precariously placed. If there is not room to place a unit leader’s base on the surface that the unit is moving onto, or if any mini’s base cannot be placed legally and maintain cohesion, that unit cannot complete the compulsory move.
- During a compulsory move, if the unit leader would end its movement on a piece of terrain it would normally ignore due to the speeder x keyword or the repulsor vehicle unit type, it may shift backwards along the movement tool by a distance no greater than half the length of its base, so that its base is able to be placed legally on the battlefield or terrain piece. It may not do so if the terrain is not ignored by the speeder x keyword or the repulsor vehicle unit type and would cause the unit to be unable to complete the compulsory move.
- A unit leader’s base may only be moved backwards along the movement tool, it cannot be moved forward past the end of the movement tool.
- A unit leader’s base cannot be moved back more than half the diameter of the base.
- A unit leader must still move as far along the movement tool as possible, it may move back only to allow its base to be placed legally and in a stable position on the battlefield or piece of terrain.
- If the unit leader still cannot be legally placed on the battlefield, it moves as far along the movement tool as possible and takes damage equal to its speed for failing to complete its compulsory move.
Related Topics: Compulsory Move, Defeated, Displacement, Height, Leaving the Battlefield, Movement, Unit Leader, Vehicles, "Additional Terrain Rules"
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