Starwarslegion Wiki


While a unit with the impervious keyword is defending, it rolls a number of additional defense dice equal to the pierce x value of the attack pool.

  • The number of additional defense dice rolled is regardless of the number of hit and crit results rolled during the attack.

For example, during an attack, after the “Modify Attack Dice” step, there are 2 hit results and 1 crit result, and the attack pool has pierce 3. If the defender has the impervious keyword, it would roll 6 of its defense dice during the “Roll Defense Dice” step.

  • After rolling additional defense dice, block results are still canceled as normal during the “Modify Defense Dice” step by the pierce x keyword.

For example, in the above attack, after rolling defense dice, there are 4 block results. Pierce 3 cancels 3 of those results, leaving 1 block result. There were 2 hit results and 1 crit result; thus during the “Compare Results” step the defender would suffer 2 wounds.

Related Topics:[]

Attack, Dice, Pierce, Wounds

All items (11)
