A unit with the detachment keyword is subject to a number of restrictions during army building and setup.
- During army building, a unit with the detachment keyword can only be included in a player’s army if a unit that has the unit name or type specified by the detachment keyword is also included in that army.
» Each unit with the detachment keyword requires a corresponding unit with the specified unit name or type in order to be included in an army.
For example, a player wishes to add a DF-90 Mortar Trooper to their army. Because the DF-90 Mortar Trooper has the detachment: Shoretroopers keyword, the player must first add a unit of Shoretroopers to their army. The player does so, and the army now contains a Shoretroopers
unit and a DF-90 Mortar Trooper unit. The player then wishes to add a second DF-90 Mortar Trooper unit to their army, and therefore must select a second unit of Shoretroopers to include in their army.
- During the “Deploy Units” step of Setup, a unit with the detachment keyword must be placed at speed-1 of a unit leader from a friendly unit that has the unit name or type specified by the detachment keyword.
» When deploying multiple units with the same detachment keyword, each unit must be deployed at
speed-1 of a different friendly unit leader. Once a unit has been used to fulfill the deployment requirements of a friendly unit with the detachment keyword, it cannot do so again for another friendly unit with the same detachment keyword.
» When a unit deploys using the detachment keyword, it does not have to be deployed within its
deployment zone.
» If a unit with the detachment keyword cannot be deployed following the detachment rules it is deployed as normal in a player’s deployment zone. However, if a player has a unit with the name or type specified by the detachment keyword that has not yet been deployed, that unit must be deployed before a unit with the detachment keyword is deployed, such that the unit with the detachment keyword is able to be deployed following the detachment rules.
» This restriction is only required during the “Deploy Units” step. If a game effect (such as the Rapid
Reinforcements battle card) allows a unit to be placed outside of this step, it does not follow the detachment keyword rules.
Related Topics:[]
Abilities, Army building, Cohesion, Deployment, Setup
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