Starwarslegion Wiki

A weapon with a yellow range icon (Range 1Range 2Range 3Range 4Range 5) is an area weapon. When using an area weapon, perform a separate attack against each unit that is in line of sight and at the range indicated by the number on the range icon.

Area weapon example
  • Area weapons can be used only through abilities and other game effects that specifically allow the use of area weapons.
  • Area weapons are usually associated with a charge or condition token, and are used when that charge or condition token detonates.
  • Attacks made by an area weapon are ranged attacks.
  • Ranged attacks made by area weapons are performed against each unit at range and in line of sight, even if that unit is engaged.
  • An area weapon cannot be in the same attack pool as another weapon.
  • Area weapons cannot be added to an attack pool during an attack made by a unit.
  • Other weapons cannot be added to an attack pool with an area weapon already in it, including other area weapons.

Related Topics: Arm X, Charge Tokens, Attack, Attack Pool, Detonate, Detonate X, Weapons

All items (2)
